Comparison of Quality of Life in Adults and Children with Haemophilia

Dr. Prachi Deshbhratar


: Haemophilia is a congenital bleeding disorder affecting about 1 in 10,000 people in the general population (Bulletin from WHO, 1991).There is clinical, psychological, stress, economical burden etc. Thus the need of the study states examining the effect of haemophilia as a disorder on various aspects of life and awareness of physical therapy. Objective:1.To study quality of life in children with haemophilia by using Hemo-QOL(Haemophilia specific questionnaire) (pediatric instrument).2.To study quality of life in adults with haemophilia by using Hem-A- QOL (adult instrument).3.Compare the quality of life with haemophilia in adults and children. Methodology: Ethical clearance was taken from the institution. Consent was taken from parents as well as the child. Total candidates (30) of each age group were collected according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data was collected and analyzed statistically. Result: The study determined the QOL of adults and children with haemophilia with the help of the questionnaire and it was found that the children were more impaired. Conclusion: The result of this study indicated that the quality of life of a sample of male children with haemophilia was impaired. Therefore in order to improve haemo QOL of adolescents, patients who were given drug infusions by third party caregivers excluding parents and also patients with lower familial income are suggested to receive more effective interventions by authorities, managers and health care providers. Keywords: Haemophilia,Hem-A-QOL (adult instrument), Hemo-QOL (Haemophilia specific questionnaire) (pediatric instrument). Quality of life (QOL).

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